Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Justice unserved in Minnesota today

I lost another major effort today to be able to see you, Kieran. The family court in Hennepin County, Minn., decided that I would not be able to see you for two years (until June 13, 2014), and when that time comes I'll have to fight for the right to see you. They were willing to limit me to two visits a month that were supervised by your mother's step-dad, an obvious set-up. All he'd have to do is make up a story that I hit you, and I'd lose all rights to see you. So I had to pass up on that until I get an attorney who will fight for our rights to be with one another. The court also said you and I could talk to one another, but only by a telephone call that you initiate. Like at five years old you can use the phone or your mother's family ever would let you use it!

Part of the judge's decision came from false stories that I hit you with a closed fist and knocked you to the ground at Disneyland because you wouldn't go on a scary ride. My God, what idiots the court is to believe this! If I'd ever hit you at Disneyland, Disney security would be all over me, not to mention some parents who wouldn't find such abuse acceptable (I certainly wouldn;t find it acceptable and would step between parent and child). It's a sick story that your mother has coached you to say, and I want you to know that I am not angry with you or hold you responsible for repeating this story. I know that you're very afraid of not being able to see your mother again if you don't say what she tells you to. Do not worry, though, Kieran; I will work night and day to pay for the attorneys to stop this travesty of justice so we can see one another again.

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