Showing posts with label first car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first car. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Looking forward to your driver's ed days

Late last week I edited a parents' guide to teaching one's teen how to drive a car and started thinking about the years ahead when you'll get your driver's license. That's a few years off - about eight years -but you've already lived nearly seven years and that has gone by in a flash!

I look forward to being able to each you how to drive, and to seeing that excited, joyous look on your face when you finally receive your license! And then, of course, there's that moment when you get your first car! I can vividly recall each of those moments in my life!

I must admit that there's a little trepedation about you driving - it's a lot more complicated than it looks (at first anyways), and teens tend to get in more accidents (including more fatal ones) than other drivers. Still, I'm confident that with enough practice hours on the road, you'll do fine!